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SankalpTaru assists corporates in their sustainability efforts

Be it a go-green, corporate social responsibility, or carbon offset program; we partner with you to achieve multi-dimensional enviro-socio-economical impact. We are one of the pioneer non-profit organizations in the world leveraging technology and greening hot & cold deserts, mountains, plateaus, deltas, and river islands.

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For corporates, SankalpTaru offers extremely customized programs through the integration of technology with the environment. Personalized campaigns are designed for your Corporate Social Responsibility, Marketing, Employee Engagement, Customer Satisfaction, Green Branding and many more activities. We don’t just plant! but go beyond a typical plantation program by creating a wide socio-environmental impact.

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Why SankalpTaru?

PAN India

We are present across 27 States/UTs of India, from the mystic Cold Desert of Ladakh to the barren Desert of Thar to the Islands of the Brahmaputra to the coast of Tamil Nadu.

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We create a wide environmental and socio-economic impact through our programs.


7 Million+

Trees Planted


Hectares Greenified


Trees Species

3.5 M+

Carbon Sequestered



Farmers Supported


Students Outreached

90,000 Tons/Year

Fruits Produced

₹250+ crores

Increased in Livelihood

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Tech Enablement

We manage your program effectively online and on-ground, therefore bringing in maximum mileage to your go-green efforts

Onground Excellence

We don’t just plant, but we nurture each planted sapling to grow into a tree. Even in arid Thar Desert and Desert of Ladakh we are accomplishing a survival rate of >95%

COVID-19 Response

While Covid-19 restricts people to be physically present on ground to plant trees, we offer contactless plantation programs through a virtual online platform which offers virtual, near to real plantation experience.

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Partners and Sponsors

We work with industry wide corporates and help them go green with a more impact

Software Products and Telecom
Heavy Industries
FMCG & Others
Banking, Financial Services, Law & Insurance
Airlines, Transport and Courier
Event Management and Gifting Solutions
Other Organisations
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Sustainable Development Goals

We design and scale plantation programs to the next level where it could address multiple SDGs and hence doesn't remain confined to a mere tree plantation campaign

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Corporate Program Solutions

We work for Corporate Sponsors across all the industry verticals around the globe and exclusively design programs meeting their sustainability goals and corporate vision.

Green CSR
  • Provides highly customisable plantation programs, tailor made according to your requirements
  • Fulfills Section 135 of the Corporate Act, 2013
  • Promotes environmental sustainability and biodiversity
  • Offers different carbon offsetting programs to help you become a ‘Green Brand’
  • Encapsulates all the necessary Sustainable Development Goals
Employee Volunteering - Onground & Online
  • Inculcates a sense of bond in the team through team building activities via on-ground and online tree plantations
  • Helps the employees to offset their carbon footprint
  • Builds a sense of environmental consciousness among the stakeholders
  • Offers personalised corporate links for plantation which helps the corporates to ask their employees to plant a tree for themselves
Employee / Customer Gifting
  • Introduces a sustainable gifting option to your esteemed customer or employee with a tree gift
  • Provides customised emails or certificates on special occasions
  • Promotes Rural Livelihood Projects to help increase socio- economic development
Sustainable Living Workshops
  • Offers online resource conservation workshops to promote eco friendly and sustainable living techniques for your employees/ customers
  • Presents workshops on water conservation, waste management, upcycling and kitchen gardening
Conference Delegates Gifting
  • Honors speakers with tree gifts and certificates
  • Provides customised certificates or QR codes of tree links in the already existing certificates of the conference
Planting Trees With Sales or Product Launch
  • Helps you become a ‘Green Brand’ by planting trees for your customers on sales, combination of sales or product launches
  • Provides API integration for automation for larger campaigns
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Wide Coverage of Solutions

Online Engagements

Online Plantation Platform
Program Dashboard
Geotagging and RFID Tagging of Trees
Customized e-Certificates
Customized Emails
Social Media Promotions
Personalized Corporate Link
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Wide Coverage of Solutions

Outreach and Marketing Engagements

Project Impact Video
Project Update Report
Print Media Coverage
Live Campaign Broadcasts
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Wide Coverage of Solutions

On-Ground Engagements

Plantation Site Branding
Kiosk Setup
City Plantation Event
Rural Tourism
Organic Goodies Bags & Promotional Material
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Transparency Through Technology

We work for Corporate Sponsors across all the industry verticals around the globe and exclusively design programs meeting their sustainability goals and corporate vision.

Personalised Dashboard for Corporates

This dashboard provides a transparent live update on tree plantation.

Virtual Plantation Broadcast

A live youtube broadcast of the plantation can be created for the stakeholders for them to experience the joy of seeing their tree being planted.


Every tree that is planted is geotagged through our inbuilt app where latitude and longitude of the tree is captured in the database, generating a tree URL. The tree link contains an actual photo of the plantation, its google location and beneficiary’s details, which is then shared with the stakeholder.

RFID Tagging

If you wish to place physical tags on your trees, we have a low-carbon and durable solution for you. We place RFID tags to your trees which could be scanned anytime while visiting the trees on-ground.

Virtual Forest of Corporate

Every tree which is geotagged, gets added to a virtual forest for easy tracking of trees. The forest link can be shared on social media and websites to promote our patrons’ ‘green’ efforts.

API for E-commerce

For every order from the website of the corporation in e-commerce business, API can be integrated which will automatically plant trees and thus keep the transparency of processing intact. No manual interaction will be required.

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Our Onground Operational Models

We carry out afforestation PAN India using our four on-ground operational models

Rural Livelihood Support Program

  • An initiative to regreen the planet and consecutively increase the income of the farmers
  • Fruit-bearing trees, native to the region, are planted on the farmer’s field along with providing him the knowledge of maintaining it
  • After 2-3 years, when fruits are harvested, it provides long term economic stability to the farmer
  • Our trees help promote women empowerment and biodiversity, alleviate poverty and bring greenery to the most arid and degraded areas

Community Land Transformation Program

  • A barren land is taken from Panchayat or government authorities to create a lush green bio-diverse forest
  • The trees planted are taken care of by us for a defined period of time and then the forest is returned back to the people or authorities once it becomes self sustainable
  • Combination of native medicinal, fruit bearing, flowering and shade-giving trees are grown
  • The enrichment and protection of flora and fauna is of utmost importance in this model
  • We develop an ecosystem wherein community members are engaged in growing and nurturing trees for a long term.

Urban Plantation Program

  • To combat the striking levels of pollution in the city, this program targets tree plantation specially by increasing the green cover
  • The plantation is done in parks, RWAs and societies
  • It also helps us to increase the awareness among the citizens about environmental conservation
  • This motivates the urban dwellers in creating green habitats and reducing their carbon footprints through trees

Clean & Green School Program

  • This program involves planting trees in school with teachers and students
  • The trees are allotted to students to inculcate a behaviour of responsible citizens
  • Along with planting trees, awareness campaigns and DIY sessions are also conducted
  • Interventions like workshops, educational movies, practical training to achieve a self enthusiastic ecosystem, we mobilize the young generation towards environment conservation
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Case Studies & Accolades

Case Studies on Corporate Programs:

Rural Livelihood Support Program

The project helped to increase the green cover of the denuded areas of Gujarat, Haryana, Rajasthan and Karnataka by planting native trees that support local farmers by planting fruit bearing trees which will also improve their economic status. Click on the link to read the complete case study:

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Community Land Transformation Program

The project addressed a pressing need for greenery, shade and fodder in the middle of the arid Thar Desert of Jaisalmer, Rajasthan for the villagers whose main occupation is livestock rearing. Click on the link to read the complete case study:

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Urban Plantation Program

This program helped to increase the green cover of the denuded area of the 50+ cities by planting native trees that support local biodiversity and help in natural recharge of groundwater of these cities, thus fighting two menace of pollution and groundwater depletion at once. Click on the link to read the complete case study:

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Clean & Green School Program

The plantation under these campaigns was done to transform the school premises of barren lands in various states and also helped to inculcate in young kids a green spirit of environment conservation. Click on the link to read the complete case study:

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Beneficiary of the Month

Our plantation programs have been designed to improve the livelihood of rural farmers, villagers and community, and provide a sustainable income for their families.

 Title : Empowering Women Through Agroforestry
 Location : Jagalur, Davangere District, Karnataka
 Model : Rural Livelihood Support Program
 Beneficiaries : Mamatha

At SankalpTaru, we believe that when it comes to giving support to our farming community, man and woman are no different.
Infact, supporting women farmers who receive less access to resources relative to their male counterparts, can help to close the gender gap essential to accelerate the growth of the agricultural sector in our country.

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We have been collaborating with SankalpTaru for over a year now as part of our Bonito Family Tree initiative to give back to the society. They have been very proactive and easy to work with. With the help of SankalpTaru team, we have been planting 4 fruit bearing trees for each of our customers and they ensure the survivability(99%) of these trees and also help improve the livelihood of the people in the ecosystem (revenue from the fruits) . We would definitely recommend SankalpTaru to others and look forward to more such on-going initiatives with them which could leave a lasting impression on our environment. Keep up the great work!

Manu sankar Das

Bonito designs, Bangalore

Its been a great experience working with SankalpTaru. I want to applaud Nivetha for all her support and Green Collaboration with Stratus Global Tech. The transparency maintained, processes followed and prompt responses are highly appreciated. Thanks SankalpTaru and Keep up the good work by increasing the Country's green belt and helping our Farmers.

Garima Goel

Startus Global Tech, Hyderabad

Great association with SankalpTaru team. Their amazing green initiatives not only focus on the urban areas also it largely focus to nurture the farmers. I love their tree tagging concept.They are not only in planting thousands of trees they would also maintain the saplings until it becomes mature plant. We had a great experience with the Mahabalipuram community project. Looking forward for longer association!

Pragathi Pearl

Igus, Bangalore

Wonderful organisation doing impactful work in the areas of environmental conservation and circularity. Very help and easy to work with. Multiple options including corporate CSR, indvidual tree-gifting and much more all with geo-tagging.

Brilliant polymers, Mumbai

Priyanka Talwar

My association with Sankalptaru is a responsible individual who cares for nature and also in the capacity of my work while tying up with them, has been exceptionally wonderful! The organization works with passion and makes a difference at grassroot level. We associated with them across states, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. They are ready to extend help and be flexible. They understand the need of the corporate. We need more such genuine organization doing such good work and creating a better, greener world! I recommend Sankalptaru strongly.

Neha Agarwal

Attra, Bangalore

In a synergy of innovation and environmental commitment, Ambica Aluminium Company collaborates with SankalpTaru for a sustainable future. Specializing in Automatic Entrance Solutions, Ambica pledges to plant trees with every door sold. This partnership is more than a business venture; it's a shared ethos. Through this collaboration, both entities aim to restore the planet to its original green state. The doors installed by Ambica Aluminium Company not only signify cutting-edge technology but also a conscious choice for ecological responsibility. Together, they advocate for a greener tomorrow, symbolizing a collective effort to combat climate change and inspire businesses towards sustainable practices.

Vikas Nagori, Managing Partner

Ambica Aluminium Company

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